Delivery info and Restrictions
WARRIOR KIT: Unprecedented combination of global events has resulted in profound delays in some Warrior kit. 1) 2 year delay of CRYE/DUPONT nylon back-log as a result of US COVID close down, followed by 2) 2-Step collapse of British Pound against Euro from BREXIT (The Europeans bought 100% of on hand stock) Then CHINA continues with factory close downs with even`1 COVID case (As of Jan 2022 policy suspended) and then let’s not forget about a little scrap happening in Europe’s back door. – Folks, I am doing my best to get kit out to you, but there are delays ranging from 2 weeks to several months on some kit. By placing your order, you are securing your place in line for kit coming from the 5 factories.
ITAR: The US FEDGOV restricts the export of the following items sold by T3: 1) Gun parts & accessories including magazines 2) Optics- scopes red-dots etc. 3) Body Armor & Helmets 4) Ammunition So if you are ordering from outside the USA, please do not attempt to have us ship these items outside the US. If you do, we will not fulfill the order, and you will incur the costs of your order (Fees charged by processors etc.)
PayPal PayPal has ‘community standards’ which means they are Anti-Second Amendment and assign and evil status to inanimate objects. These evil things include magazines, gun parts and accessories, knives and ammunition. Therefore we have made every effort to exclude PayPal purchase options from these items, but should we fail, please do not use PayPal to purchase these classifications of items.
States and localities with restrictions on certain items: By executing a purchase on this website, you the customer swear or affirm that you are of legal age and status to execute said purchase, and that the purchased items are legal and lawful to purchase, transport, acquire, hold, own, traffic, ship to your shipping location. Additionally, you agree to indemnify & defend T3 Tun Tavern Tactical, LLC its owners, partners, employees, volunteers, contractors, et al from any civil, administrative, or criminal actions brought by any government or agency or plaintiff as a result of your purchase. Additionally, you will incur the expenses associated with your purchase.. including but not limited to re-stock fees and processing expenses.

KANSAS: The FUBAR state of Kansas wants every business in the world to file taxes with Kansas if we sell to you in Kansas. Find a out-of-state friend to forward gear to you, we won’t sell in Kansas.
T3 ships worldwide with the following caveats: We will gladly sell tactical kit to Taiwan, and Hong Kong, Ukraine, Georgia, Estonia, Latva, Lithuania and other picked on peoples but otherwise not in China, Cuba, Somalia, Lybia, Pakistan, VietNam, North Korea. We will gladly sell tactical kit to US and Allied personnel operating in the Sandbox (APO etc) But not to questionable locations within the AO We will gladly sell tactical kit to the sons & daughters of Abraham and followers of Yeshua living anywhere in the world. We will not sell anything to known Communists, Socialists, NeoNazis, ANTIFA, Aloha Snackbars, BLM, or any other riotous agitating asswipes.
Returns: For what should be obvious reasons, there are no returns on body armor and helmets. Other tactical gear can be returned if in new, re-sellable condition within 30 days of delivery.
Most of our orders are sent out via the USPS, using Priority, Parcel Post, First Class etc. Occasionally we may use UPS or FedEx for shipments that are too large or heavy for USPS regs. Drop ship items (the 90% Gun Gear) are directly shipped from the warehouse by UPS. Please do not use PO Boxes for gun gear purchases.
Jeff Bezos has spoiled most Americans into believing orders can be on the doorstep within two hours of clicking “order”. Jeff sucks. Our warehouse partners are usually same-day or next-day shippers of purchases, however during COVID-19 we saw some delays there. On rare occasion, the in-stock status of an item from the warehouse partner has not caught up with real time (we are updated 2x/day) and the “in-stock” item was actually shipped to another customer. When this happens if the item is likely to be back in stock quickly we work to get the item to you. If it is not likely to be any time soon, we will refund your monies.
For our Warrior Assault Systems Ltd products, we keep on hand a great deal of the more popular items in the popular colors and sizes.
A term that we wish never reached our ears is “supply chain”. First came part 1 of Brexit when the pound momentarily slipped against the Euro and the EU dealers stripped every product off Warrior’s shelves. Before Warrior could fully recover, Covid-19 Pandemic struck. Warrior has 2 factories in Wuhan. On the raw materials side, here in the USA, during the nation-wide lock down, DuPont & Crye stopped making the nylon. Then wave II in the fall & winter saw more lock-downs and just for some salt, part 2 of Brexit. This meant that new shipping accounts and all kinds of fun with customs/trade agreements have to be sorted out as the UK is no longer under the EU Free-trade agreements. The timing of BREXIT is during the Trump lame duck period and now the trade policy will be finalized by the Biden admin.
What does all this mean for you? For kit that is not immediately on hand, it will be perhaps 2 weeks for most items to be shipped. For the globally high-demand kit that is never “in-stock” (allocated to existing orders before arrival from factory) we may show items as “in stock” so that the order can be placed and you secure your “place in line”. Otherwise you will never get the item. Unfortunately Warrior does not yet have a globally compatible inventory feed.
Special Order Items- Warrior Assault Systems Ltd makes large quantity orders available for MultiCam, Black Coyote Tan, OD Green, Ranger Green, ATAC-AU, ATAC-FG. If you want 100pc or more of any WAS kit, please email us for a quote. Typical time frames are 8weeks
Primary Arms SLx 3x scopes also are rarely ‘in stock’ since roll out in June 2020 demand has out-stripped supply. They allow dealers to order in scopes about 3 weeks before they arrive from the factory. When this ‘pre-order’ window opens up, the scopes are placed in an in-stock status. Otherwise pay attention to the stock level. A (-) symbol is a negative number.